
Mock Oral Exams

The MACAAPM is proud to offer mock oral exams to help trainees prepare for their board certification process.

The event is scheduled based on the exam dates, typically 4-6 weeks in advance. Participants can better assess their readiness for the exam and identify any gaps in knowledge. The number of spots offered per specialty varies depending on the availability of examiners, and it will be clearly listed on the registration page for that year.

2025 Mock Oral Exam (Virtual)

The Mid-Atlantic Chapter of the AAPM is holding a virtual Medical Physics Mock Oral Board Exam for Therapy and Diagnostic candidates on Saturday, January 18th. The purpose of the exam is to provide examinees with a simulation of the environment and types of questions they will experience during the examination. The exam will be virtual.

The examiners are board certified medical physicists both from academic medical centers and community hospitals, with a wide range of expertise and experience. Taking the mock board exam will provide the examinee with a better understanding of the process, as well as their strengths and weaknesses, so they can refine their studying prior to the real exam. In addition, the mock board exam will allow examinees to practice how to best convey information while answering questions in a risk-free setting. Examiners will provide honest and constructive guidance and feedback to the examinees.

Important Information


Currently there are 6 therapy spots. and 4 diagnostic spots. More slots may become available as we receive more volunteer examiners. 

DATE and time:

January 18th, 2025

Morning session

8:30am EST-11:15am EST

Afternoon session

TBD depending on the number of participants


This exam will be hosted virtually through Zoom. Link and detailed instructions will be sent to registrants prior to the event.


$150 per examinee


To reserve your spot, you must complete the registration form and submit payment via PayPal. Your spot is not reserved until both steps are successfully completed. 

Step 1 - registration

Register at the following link

Step 2 - Payment

You will receive a receipt from PayPal after submitting. 

Mock Oral Registration Fee – $150

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