Our Purpose

To encourage interest in the field of physics in medicine and biology

To promote and improve the practice of medical physics

To promote research and training in medical physics and related fields

To encourage interest in the field of physics in medicine and biology and promote research and training in medical physics and related fields
September 15, 2024

The Mid-Atlantic Chapter of the American Association of Physicists in Medicine (MACAAPM)

MACAAPM is the chapter for Maryland, Virginia, the District of Columbia, and parts of Delaware and West Virginia.

Our Mission

Represent Medical Physicists in the Mid-Atlantic area
The MACAAPM Executive Committee consists of a past President, an acting President, President-Elect, Secretary, Treasurer, and Chapter Representative to the Board. The chapter membership is 300+ strong!
Host Events
Yearly, MACAAPM hosts an Annual Meeting (typically the first Thursday/Friday of October), the MedPhysSlam chapter competition, and a Mock ABR Part III Oral Board Exam. Occasional dinner meetings are hosted, please contact the Executive Committee with any ideas you may have!
Encourage Early Career Medical Physicists
Annual meetings provide valuable learning and networking opportunities. At each annual meeting, an Early Career Investigator Symposium is hosted, encouraging students and trainees in medical physics to present their work to the chapter membership. The MedPhysSlam encourages scientific communication skills development, allying our field with the general public.
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Latest Events

The second annual DMV Proton Radiotherapy Symposium will be held on October 25th at the Inova Schar Cancer Institute in...
The MACAAPM 2024 Annual Meeting will be held in-person (with virtual broadcast option) in Charlottesville, Virginia on November 8th and...
Early Career Investigators Symposium The Early Career Investigator Symposium is for medical physicist graduate students and residents to present their...

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